Are you ready for some footbaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllll?
Superbowl Sunday is right around the corner and this week’s edition of Best of the Web is sure to be just as thrilling.
Shocking News
So let me get this straight Google delays Google Glass while Microsoft creates quite a buzz with their Hololens announcement? I would have liked to seen the Vegas odds on that happening. But with the success of the Microsoft Kinect this is a natural progression.
Microsoft wasn’t done, they also previewed Microsoft 10 and announced free upgrade from Windows 7.
Just In Case
Speaking of Windows, Classic Shell is the best free add-on for Windows 8. If you’re like half of Windows 8 users that still wants a Start Menu, then check it out.
Change the way I drive
I might be late to the party on the Waze app but I am loving this App. I just downloaded it this week after a co-worker was telling me about it. So far I really like the app and found it really accurate even for smaller metropolitan areas.
I Spent some time on Github this week and even joined in the discussion for ASP.NET 5. Make sure you join the conversation for what format the documentation should be for ASP.NET 5.
Enjoy the Super Bowl this week. Let me know if I missed anything this week.